Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Main Thing

What's at the core of our faith? When you consider Christianity; what's at the core? What's at the heart? The writer of the first letter to the church of Corinth writes, "Now abides, faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love". At the end of the day, what real matters? What can we do to impact our world and convert others to our belief system, "follow me as I follow Christ"? Is it, loving others as Christ has loved you, celebrating the uniqueness of each person and serving one another. What's your thoughts?


  1. A friendly relationship should be at the heart of our relationship with Jesus as we consider our Christianity. I often hear people refer to their religion or being religious but I find my relationship with the Lord Jesus just
    beginning to be the type that wakes me up at 3:00 a. m. just to have a conversation with my Lord or recalling one of his promises to help relieve the stress from the day! This also makes me a blessing to others and brings honor and glory to the Almighty God! I love my relationship with Jesus! The Lord Bless You Pastor Randy!

  2. The way we live publicly and privately will attract or repel others. People can see right through us when we are not real.

    We should be transparent and show others why following Christ is the only option.

  3. hey james....I like that comment and totally agree with it!

  4. Jesus loves us unconditionally. Regardless of our choices, good or poor, he is always ready to embrace us. Giving us choice, the beautiful gift of salvation, He is a respecter of our choices. May we strive for that perfect love, and still love others regardless of poor choices. Hope and pray for one another for good choices and faith that in all, He works all for the good for those who love Him.
